My first and one of the best tapestries done years back.. It took almost one year to complete this design called THE KISS.....I got the inspiration from a Philipino friend of mine who is also an ardent lover of tapestry...When I saw her completed project, I was really amazed...And when she encouraged me to do one like hers I was not at all confident...But my sweet friend continued to encourage me, which ended up in me starting this project and to tell you all frankly i really enjoyed every moment I spent on this project.. I was too enthusiastic to complete the faces first..When I finished with them I was even more eager to complete the whole design.. So my dear friends, please do not get discouraged when you see a large pattern..Just enjoy doing it at your own pace, as a hobby.. Do not get disheartened if you find the work progressing slowly...Just dream about the day you finish your project and get it framed !...Think of all the admiring eyes around you!! C'mon u can do it!!...Happy cross-stitching!!......................Warm Regards,Mini Binoy