Here I have posted the pictures of my first born Tarun's baby booties of the first year of his birth ..It has been cherished with tender loving care ever since.. My naughty li'l fellow is no longer a child .but a big man of 23 running a small software company in Pune, India...On this valentines day I dedicate this work of mine to my son with all my love ! He has been a joy to all of us since he was born and our family feels so proud of him..This post is to inspire all my craft land friends to cherish precious things from the past.
I still remember the day I was scanned during my pregnancy and my doc announced that it was a baby boy.! To be frank,I was not that happy to know that it was a boy !..I had always wished to have a baby girl, and to deck her up with all my embroidered and smocked frocks and matching cute accessories..Seeing my disappointment my mom scolded me for not being happy at the knowledge that it was a healthy baby!! Like all mothers she adviced me to pray to Almighty, to bless us with a healthy baby irrespective of the sex...Yes this made me feel so guilty of my stupid thoughts!(immature thoughts and dreams of a young woman who was on the threshold of stepping into her twenties!!:):)..)But somehow I had to satisfy my secret longings to see my baby in girl's frocks!..I started stitching cute li'l baby outfits with tiny embroideries, bullion roses and smockings on all of them.. And not to mention the cutely embroidered sheets for his baby cot!! I cannot forget the day my mom and myself went to a shop called Tara in Cochin to buy all those baby stuff that were needed in the beginning, immediately after the delivery!!I was really going crazy grabbing this and that and finally paying a heavy bill ,all for my precious li'l one who was on the way to this colourful world filled with wonders!!These blue booties were also bought on the same day ..While my heart and fingers went to grab every thing pink, my mom constanltly reminded me about the doctor's scanning result!:):)..Every one in the family was against me preparing and hogging things before the baby was born! Some superstitious thoughts, you see!!But God Almighty is always kind and understanding!!My first born,a sweet healthy baby boy came into this world on November 16 , 1987!
On this valentines day I know my son would feel really happy and smile with misty eyes at this new post of mine. I expect a call from him any time now,saying Mom I Love You!!Seeing this post I know what my other children are going to ask."Mom, where are our booties by the way?"...:):)..To be frank I have no answer..But their first b'day suits are still there with me..To satisfy my passion for stitching girl's frocks I made my daughter's first b'day frock myself!...
I am sure going thru this post my friends would be inspired to cherish such treasures that would bring them a lot of nostalgia later in life!!..And imagine their lit up faces when they come to know that you had treasured their belongings all these years ! It needn't be your baby's belongings, but anything from the past that would evoke nostalgia , say for ex:- a b'day gift from your childhood playmate,even if its only small greeting card,or your husband's first b'day gift for you, or even a love letter you got from him during your courtship days!!(((I know its not a clever idea to keep love letters framed and hung in your house!!!:):):),,,,so cherish them but not framed!!!:):):):):)Still it's a loving way of showing how you care for the love and care they have gifted you with ! Here I have pasted the booties onto a valentine heart, centered on a red polka dotted piece of fabric base and mounted inside a photo frame..Of course with out the glass ! The other two snaps are of Tarun and myself, one taken in the year of his birth(1987) and the other one, on his 23 rd b'day in 2010.
So my dear friends,ending my post with tons of love and inspiration to all of you on this valentine's day,
With the warmest regards, Mini